Need A FlashAir Card for Your Olympus DS-7000/DS-3500? We Have Some In Stock

01 November, 2013

Buy Toshiba FlashAir card for Olympus DS-7000 DS-3500 Air Australia

With all he hoopla over the last few weeks about the new Olympus Dictation App for iPhone and Android, the announcement of ODDS (Olympus Dictation Delivery Service) and the new model DS-7000 Air and DS-3500 Air our thoughts turn to those customers already using the professional digital dictaphones, non Air models (pre October 2013). How can you get into the action and use your DS-7000 or DS-3500 for truly mobile dictation?

Well the answer is the Toshiba FlashAir card. Pop one of these into your DS-7000 or DS-3500 and away you go, you can connect to the Olympus Dictation App on your smartphone via wi-fi and transfer the audio from recorder to smartphone.

We have managed to source some FlashAir cards from the same supplier that Olympus use. You need to make sure your DS-7000 or DS-3500 have at minimum firmware version v1.20 (details on download and install of this firmware version click here).

The Toshiba FlashAir cards are 8Gb and class 6 - click here to buy one

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