Dictate Australia Pty Ltd have been providing digital voice solutions throughout Australia since 2006. Along with our partners Olympus Australia (OM Digital Solution) and Philips Dictation Australia (via our dictate.net.au website) we can provide the best advice, service, support and products to meet your digital voice needs. Our focus is:
- Exceptional Customer Service
- The Advice You Need
- Matching The Products To Suit Your Requirements
- Fast Delivery
- Years Of Experience In Digital Voice
Run out of our corporate office in Bulli, just North of Wollongong in the Illawarra on the New South Wales South Coast we ship products and support customers nationally on a daily basis. The team are proficient in all the technology we sell and support, being both Mac and Windows users we can tailor a solution for whatever platform you and your business is using.
Dictate Australia Pty Ltd are an Olympus Australia & New Zealand Reseller. What does this mean? It means that we are one of only a handful of Australian businesses who are approved to provide the complete range of Olympus digital voice recorders, dictaphones and transcription kits. We can advise on Olympus solutions and support the products you buy from us. Using the latest remote support technology we can connect to your Mac or PC and provide on the spot support for any issues you may have.

Dictate Australia Pty Ltd are also a certified Philips dictation solution dealer specialising in the Philips dictaphones and transcription kits.
We primarily work with clients of all sizes to help them move to the Philips Speechlive cloud dictation and transcription solution enabling a work-from-anywhere culture. You will find our range of Philips dictation solutions and Philips centric blog posts on our dictate.net.au website.
Dictate Australia Pty Ltd was once a certified Nuance Gold Reseller. We no longer sell or support the Dragon product as similar cloud solutions are offering a cheaper, faster and easier to use solution.
Tel: 1300 88 23 75
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