Olympus Dictation App for Smartphones (ODDS) - Tips & Tricks

15 July, 2017

The Olympus professional dictation app for iPhone and Android combined with ODDS (Olympus Dictation Delivery System) subscription has been around for a couple of years now and proving extremely popular for authors who want to dictate away from the office or practice. 

Blog Post: What is the difference between the free version of the Olympus Dictation App and the paid Olympus ODDS Subscription

For many who use the Olympus dictation app every day there are some handy features which you may not be aware of so we thought we would details them for you.

Olympus Australia dictation app smartphone ODDS dictate

Olympus Dictation App - Temporarily Send Audio To A Different E-Mail Address

When your Olympus ODDS subscription licence is configured, if you choose email as the delivery method, you define the email address to send your audio to, usually your transcription typist. Should he/she be away you can quickly and easily redefine where the audio is sent in the Olympus dictation app itself.

1. Tap the configure gear:

Olympus dictation app Australia ODDS configuration gear dictate

2. Tap on Server Options:

Olympus dictation app Australia ODDS server options dictate

3. Tap Recipients (usually set to Use Portal Settings):

Olympus dictation app iPhone Australia ODDS subscription Use Portal settings recipients dictate

4. Tap the + to add a new send to email address OR select an email address already defined if you have any

Olympus ODDS dictation app Australia add recipients email


Olympus Australia dictate iPhone app ODDS add email  recipient alternate 

5. Important tap the back button < Server Options to save the settings and update the details to the Olympus portal

Olympus ODDS app add alternate email recipient Australia dictate


That is it. From now on all new dictations will be sent to the email address you just defined. Additionally, if you have dictation you have sent previously in the Sent folder they can be re-sent to the new email address (see the next handy tip below).

Don't forget to set this back to the default Use Portal Settings when your transcription typist returns.s

Olympus Dictation App - Resend A Dictation Audio File

Dictation that has been processed and sent already can be re-sent as is or you can edit the audio (perhaps add some more dictation or remove some dictation) and then re-send. Don't forget with your audio you can position anywhere in your audio recording and either overwrite or insert further dictation.

To resend or edit/resend your audio, head to the Sent folder and tap the (i) next to the audio file. A pop-up then lets you choose to Resend, Review or Edit Copy your audio.

olympus dictation app odds iPhone australia resend dictation audio files


olympus australia dictation iPhone app resend review edit dictation audio



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