Olympus Dictation App - Error - Enable The Microphone To Perform Recording

30 November, 2018

The below issue with the Olympus Dictation App on iOS 12 was resolved with the release of v1.3.0 on the app store 20th December 2018. Please ensure you have v1.3.0 or higher installed:

Olympus Dictation App for iOS v1.3.0 Australia



We recently pickup up a shiny new iPhone XR for app testing and of course the first app we dropped onto our new device was the Olympus Dictation App version 1.2.1 but this is what we were met with:

Error Enable the Microphone from Settings > Privacy > Microphone > Dictation to perform recording - Olympus Dictation App iPhone

We ran this past Olympus Australia and got a very quick response, they confirmed that there is an issue with the Olympus Dictation App in iOS 12.1 - officially it is only supported to iOS 11. The issue however does not affect all iOS 12 users.

Only if:

  • The app is newly installed on an iOS 12.1 device (my scenario) then the mic can not be set.


  • You have upgraded to iOS 12.1 from version 11 then the mic can not be set.

If you had gone originally to iOS 12 (where the mic setting could be set) and then gone to iOS12.1 then you will be fine.

The last update to the app v1.2.1 was two years ago, Olympus have confirmed that they are actively working on an update to be submitted to Apple and should appear in the iOS App Store towards the end of January 2019.

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