Olympus DS-9500 Digital Dictation Firmware Update Available - v1.10

15 July, 2018

DS9500 Olympus DS-9500 Australia Free Firmware Update v1.10

Released early July 2018, three months after the new flagship digital dictaphone from Olympus the DS-9500 was released, a firmware upgrade is available taking the onboard flashed software to version v1.10

Updates in the Olympus DS9500 firmware include:

  • Change the WiFi connection so that it can be implemented in the background
  • Change the WiFi connection so that it can be cancelled
  • When entering the WiFi security code and email address, additional special characters are now available.
  • Record the serial number information of the product to the header of DSS audio file
  • Improve the stability of sending dictations via email
  • Fix the problem where the time set in some environments gets out of order

The update can be downloaded from the official Olympus support site in Europe - OPDSupport or via our hosted copy of the update (in Google drive):

Note: The firmware update can only be made via a Windows computer, MacOS users you will need to find a friend with a PC to help you update. @Olympus knows we have been banging the MacOS drum for years now so no comment necessary. 

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