First Look - Olympus Dictation App in Action - Plus How Does the Free and Paid ODDS Subscription Differ

29 October, 2013

We have just created a quick, well it's nearly ten minutes , video showing an overview of the new Olympus Dictation App running on an iPhone (iOS7), the app is also available for Android phones and is a free download from both the Apple iTunes store and Google Play.

The app itself has multiple features and functions which differ depending if you have an ODDS (Olympus Dictation Delivery Service) 12 month subscription or not (just using the free version). On our main blog we cover the difference between using the Olympus Dictation App free vs ODDS Paid subscription so have a read for more information on what ODDS can do for you and your business.

Click here to read our blog - Olympus Dictation App for iPhone and Android - Compare Free vs Paid ODDS Subscription

Below is our video overview of the Olympus Dictation App, the first one to appear on YouTube

Any questions about the Olympus Dictation App, ODDS subscriptions and obtaining a FlashAir card for your current Olympus DS-7000 or DS-3500 digital dictaphone then please get in touch with us.

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