ODMS Update R6.1.0 Available - Windows Dictation & Transcription Module

06 November, 2012

Olympus have just released to their servers an update to both their ODMS dictation and transcription module software on Windows. The release takes the software to version R6.1.0 and is a free update.

ODMS R6.1.0 addresses a number of bugs, including the most popular one that we have experienced in which transcription typists could not hear dictation through their headphones, as well as adding some new features, compatibility with virtual environments such as VMWare and Citrix Xen. But most Windows fans will be pleased to see that ODMS R6.1.0 is now Windows 8 compatible, a big tick in the box for all the early adopters.

Click here for the complete list of changes in ODMS R6.1.0 

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