Looking for Olympus DS-5000? We have one left ...
18 May, 2012
The Olympus DS-5000 Pro digital dictaphone was the flagship dictaphone for the last few years until it was revamped by the Olympus DS-7000 in April 2012.
We now only have one, brand new, covered by Australian warranty DS-5000 in stock. If you would like it give us a call on 1300 787 092 or email dave@dictate.com.au - they are $499 each incl. GST delivered.
The DS-5000 is fully compatible with new AS-7000 transcription kit so you can mix and match your recorders and obviously works with the AS-5000 and the AS-4000 (when in classic mode). The DS-5000 and DS-7000 are very similar in spec, for the full rundown of the differences have a look at our earlier blog post Olympus DS-5000 vs DS-7000 how do they compare
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