09 March, 2012
In this series of blogs, Voice Recorders In The Community, I want to highlight how digital voice recorders can play a small part in enhancing not only peoples jobs but also their lives.
Palliative Care is a delicate subject and one that none of us really want to be exposed to. This happened to me very recently when my father-in-law was recently taken ill and subsequently passed away while in palliative care. This little know area of nursing for me was suddenly thrust in the spotlight and I got to see at close hand the work that these carers do.
Coincidently soon after my brush with Palliative Care an organisation based in Melbourne, Australia got on touch looking for advice on digitally recording patients in palliative care. This blog post on our main blog site looks at the service they have and how they use both digital voice recorders and transcription.
Click here for the main blog post.
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