Dragon Speech Recognition For Schools - Education VLA - Nuance Australia Volume Licence Agreements
03 January, 2012
Nuance Australia are keen for educational users to embrace Dragon (NaturallySpeaking for Windows and Dragon Dictate for Mac) to empower students and teachers. There are so many benefits for using voice to text speech recognition, in particular letting students written creativity flow by simply speaking their thoughts rather than being held back by their typing speeds. Not only that but Dragon can dramatically help students improve their core reading and writing skills and prepare students for the 21st century work place.
VLA's or Volume Licence Agreements are available for education use and only a minimum of five licences are required to start a VLA. We are a Nuance Australia Gold Certified reseller and as such can supply and advise on site licences for your school, university or TAFE. Educational licences are substantially discounted so please contact us for more information.
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